Total Medals Earned: 218 (From 47 different games.) Total Medal Score: 4,705 Points
Medals Earned: 13/21 (340/825 points)
first Kill
Jump on 10 enemies
I can double jump
jump on a wall 20 times
Jump on 50 enemies
Collect 1000 skulls
Fiery Combo of 10
Find the hidden button
Jump on 100 enemies
Collect 5000 skulls
Evolve to final level
play for an hour
Kill 200 Goo-..Flying things..
touch the sky
Kill 20 Spikes in one game
Kill every big enemy
Kill every small enemy
reach space
play for 3 hours
Kill every enemy
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 1/8 (25/305 points)
Beat level 18
View the credits
Restart 100 times in one level
Beat the game
Beat the game in one session in under 20 minutes
Beat the game in one session without dying or restarting
Medals Earned: 16/20 (295/495 points)
collect 3 stars in "easy" level
collect 3 stars in "just level" level
collect 3 stars in "tutorial" level
collect 3 stars in "flappy bird" level
collect 3 stars in "just go" level
collect 3 stars in "upside down" level
collect 3 stars in "down to depth" level
collect 3 stars in "first run" level
collect 3 stars in "fly away" level
collect 3 stars in "follow the arrows" level
collect 3 stars in "hard level" level
collect 3 stars in "i like to fly" level
collect 3 stars in "labyrinth" level
collect 3 stars in "open air" level
collect 3 stars in "platforms" level
collect 3 stars in "tetris" level
collect 3 stars in "blood much blood" level
collect 3 stars in "christmas tree" level
collect 3 stars in "run baby run" level
collect 3 stars in "the hardest" level
Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/150 points)
Grab the bag!
Form an alliance.
Defeat Glimmer
You call that a kiss?
Defeat Cato
Medals Earned: 2/25 (10/1,000 points)
Discover 5 neutral reactions.
Use 1 appropriate item.
Terminate 5 specimens.
Do a total of 50 actions.
Kill 10 animals with your research.
Discover 5 aggressive reactions.
Feed 20 pounds of food to your specimen.
Fully research 1 specimen.
Use 1 preferred item.
Fully research 10 items.
Discover 5 passive reactions.
Cut 1 limb from your specimen.
Cut 4 limbs from your specimen.
Research all the techniques at least once.
Find all the ways to rip the specimen's jaw off.
Do a total of 1000 actions.
Discover 40 passive reactions.
Try all the food items.
Discover 5 advanced reactions.
Discover 40 aggressive reactions.
Try all the objects.
Try all the weapons.
Discover 30 advanced reactions.
Reach 100% on your total completion statistic.
Find all the ways to kill or incapacitate the specimen.
Medals Earned: 17/27 (550/1,000 points)
Kill 10 Gnomes while enraged
Kill over 50 Gnomes
Fight the Boss in ACT I
Complete the Tutorial Level
Discover ancient Skull Statues
Complete Act I
Kill a Gnome in one hit
Complete Act II
Fight the Boss in ACT II
Kill an entire Level of Gnomes with the heads of other Gnomes
Kill over 100 Gnomes
Complete Act III
Fight the Boss in ACT III
Kill an entire level of Gnomes with nothing but your bare hands
Complete the Game!
Fight the Gnome King!
Sever 20 Gnome heads in a row
Collect 15 Precious Gems
Find all of the 8 hidden Cameo Swords
Medals Earned: 3/11 (100/500 points)
destroy 10 boulders in a single Rage
Collect all 10 gems in a single run
use every antitode orb to recover from poisoning in a single run
Collect all health orbs in a single run
Collect all rage orbs in a single run
survive for 3 minutes
Destroy 20 boulders in a single Rage
Reach the bottom of the Giant Pit
Medals Earned: 1/1 (25/25 points)
Defeat the boss and win the game!
Medals Earned: 8/10 (75/175 points)
Unlock your first door or elevator
Slay the Savior
Turn a wall into a door
Kill the Clown
Finish the game
Finish the game with 100% map explored
Medals Earned: 9/16 (170/480 points)
[Career] Kill 50 enemies in Arena Mode.
Defeat the Nexus HQ on Easy Difficulty
Defeat the Nexus HQ on Normal Difficulty
[Career] Kill 200 enemies in Arena Mode.
[Career] Kill 350 enemies in Arena Mode.
[Career] Kill 1000 enemies in Arena Mode.
[Career] Kill 2000 enemies in Arena Mode.
[Career] Kill 600 enemies in Arena Mode.
[Career] Kill 5000 enemies in Arena Mode.
Don't kill any traitors or cowards in Mission 1A.
Defeat the Nexus HQ on Hard Difficulty
Find Jesus's hidden blade in Story Mode.
[Career] Kill 9001 enemies in Arena Mode.
Defeat the Nexus HQ on Hard Difficulty without playing Hank.
[Career] Kill 53,594 enemies in Arena Mode (Pfffft Good Luck!)